Who We Are

„ენკოსი“ საინჟინრო-ტექნოლოგიური კომპანიაა, რომელიც ქართულ ბაზარს ინდივიდუალურ მოთხოვნებზე ორიენტირებულ საინჟინრო გადაწყვეტილებებს, ცალკეულ პროდუქტებსა და მომსახურებას თავაზობს.

ჩვენს ძირითად მიმართულებებს დატა-ცენტრების საინჟინრო ინფრასტრუქტურის მოწყობა და ავტორიზებული მომსახურება წარმოადგენს.

ჩვენი გუნდი

Dimitry Kipiani- PHD
Technical director, founder of the company
He started working in the field in 2006 as an engineering 
infrastructure solution architect and project manager.

Under his leadership, the engineering infrastructure of 
many server rooms and data centers was designed and built,
including several large facilities:
The corporate data center of the company "Geocell" 
(today's "Silknet"); Cluster of data centers of "Georgian State Electrosystem"; "Ministry of Health" backup data center;
Commercial data center of "Proservice" company "Ministry of Agriculture" data center. Dimitri Kipiani is a veteran of the Abkhazian war, has received
the state combat award - Order of Vakhtang Gorgasali III.
Guram Lemonjava
General director, founder of the company.
Many years of experience in the field in the leading 
companies of the Georgian market and with the 
world's leading brands. 

Schneider Electric; APC; Uniflair; Vertiv; Riello;
Fluke; Pramac; Onis Visa.

"The Georgian market lacked a company that is focused
not only on sales, but also on the quality of the delivered 
product or solution, its correct selection and qualified service.
I am glad that despite many difficulties
 - we were able to create such a company."
Ramaz Meskhidze
Operations Manager
In 1995, Ramaz Meskhidze graduated from Batumi Shota 
Rustaveli State University, Faculty of Engineering and 
Pedagogy, majoring in informatics and computer technology,
 after which  he was awarded the qualification of informatics
 and computer technology specialist.
in the factory"; "Paging in Adjara";
 "Maritime Bank of Georgia"; "At the City Hall of Batumi"; 
"TBS Bank"; in "DEKO LLC"; "In the Ministry of Health 
and Social Protection of the Republic of Adjara"; 
in "Creditservice+" and the company "Syntax". 
In 2020,he joined our company as a project 
manager, and from October 2021 he continued to work
 in the position of operations manager. He holds international 
certificates. (Schneider Electric, HP, DELL, 
Check Point, VMware, Splunk, etc. ).